Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is Liposcution for Me? What about SmartLipo?

Straight off, Liposuction is NOT a weight loss method. It is ideal for stubborn, localized accumulations of subcutaneous (just under the skin) fat. Most people don't understand just how much fat is in a pound. Fat is lighter than water, and much lighter than muscle, which is how most people envision body weight (like a pound of steak, for example).

Liposuction is not without potential for complications like contour irregularities, prolonged swelling, scarring, and even life-threatening ones such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary or fat embolism. So it shouldn't be taken lightly. Having said that, in the vast majority of cases, on the right candidates and done by the right surgeons, it is extremely safe and effective.

Great candidate: right around ideal weight, but with extra fat in the buttocks or lower abdomen, thighs (saddlebags) or hips ("love handles"). Inappropriate candidate: 5 ft 4 in and weighing in at over 200 pounds. It is not a way to take off ten pounds. Or even five. Or where you've had too much stretching of the skin or your skin tone is very slack from aging. A certain amount of tightening can be achieved with Smart Lipo, but only the Surgeon can determine this.

But to complete that plan for the summer, smoothing out those thighs, tummy or "love handles" Liposuction is ideal.

Next time:

How is it done? How long will I be out of commission? When can I get into my bathing suit after Liposuction?

Stay warm

Dr. Verne

Friday, February 5, 2010

Spring Liposuction Season

As the days get longer, and the sun is higher in the sky, we start to imagine ourselves outdoors in shorts, tank-tops and bathing suits. Most of us start the New Year with a plan to trim off and shape up. But right around April, people start to realize that their fitness plan hasn't quite worked as effectively as they had hoped.

So they think about finishing off the plan with liposuction. Spring is traditionally the time when requests for liposuction increase. April is a great time to get liposuction. The problem is that by the time you get around to making an appointment, seeing the Plastic Surgeon and booking the surgery, April has turned in to May and June. Not enough time to recover.

That's why it's important to plan earlier than April. The time to schedule is now.

Next Blog I'll talk about how to decide if liposuction is for you.

Till then, enjoy every sandwich

Dr. Verne